China Tolliver is an emerging photojournalist and human rights activist residing in Denver,CO. China’s passion for activism is rooted in reproductive justice, specifically body autonomy and birth rights. Sharing stories through photojournalism has created opportunities for China to travel globally and engage in cultural collaborative learning. The biggest asset China brings to a team dynamic is her unique visual perspective and drive to humanize Black people across the African diaspora through digital storytelling. Her work dedicated to recentering the experiences of Black people by giving them voice. She is the co-host of “Birthing Resistance: Stories of Hospital Prison“, the first English podcast episode to come out of the Hospital Prison project and has constructed several English-language social media campaigns against Hospital-Prison in Haitian mission hospitals, after hands-on volunteer experience where she worked with women survivors of hospital detention in the North of Haiti.
China holds a bachelor’s degree in Community Health Education from Western Michigan University.